Ascension: A Message from the Pleiadians

I do a process called “automatic writing” where I go into meditation and write in a notebook while I am in a meditative state. I often channel the E.T. group, the Pleiadian Council of Light. They have been teaching me about multidimensional manifesting and how to access portals located in your fingerprints. They call this “dermatoglyphic epigenetics” as a process of rising beyond our genes through fingerprint patterns. As a professional palm reader for many years, it is a natural progression for me to now learn directly from them. The following is a recent transmission that I received regarding our Ascension.

This is the Pleiadian Council of Light. We are here to share a message for you with those who have ears to hear. The time of your Ascension is upon you. The need for everyone to step upon the path of the soul’s progression is a genuine need for Gaia. For she wants to bring as many along as are able to raise their vibration in resonance with love. For love is the vibration of the Ascension.

Let us assist you today to vibrate with love, vibrate through love and vibrate around love. L.O.V.E. => Lay on the Vessel of Expressiveness. Let this acronym remind you, to lay is to surrender, to let go, to be in total beingness. The vessel of expressiveness is the heart, for it is the heart that expresses. It is the heart that drives the vessel, also the vessel of the temporary body, the one each of you are inhabiting.


Finding Your Manifest Destiny in Sedona: A Spiritual Journey